Win+R gpedit.msc 计算机配置 管理模板 系统组件 Windows更新 对于已登录的用户,计划的自动更新安装不执行重新启动 已启用
Win+R regedit
- Launch the Registry Editor by hitting Windows + R, entering regedit into the dialog box and hitting Enter.
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Policies/Microsoft/Windows.
- Create a new registry key called WindowsUpdate under Windows if one does not already exist. You can create a new registry key by right clicking on the Windows key, selecting New then Key and renaming the folder which appears to WindowsUpdate.
- Create a new registry key named AU under WindowsUpdate.
- Create a DWORD Value named NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers in the AU Key. To create a new DWORD value, right click in the right window pane and select New then DWORD Value. Then rename the value as needed.
- Set NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers to 1. You can set the value by double clicking on the DWORD name and entering the appropriate number in the dialog box which appears.
- Close the Registry Editor and Reboot.